Ozone Disinfection RESP20230925-10451

Ozone Disinfection ID: RESP20230925-10451
Address: 2161 Csomád, Szent István utca 14. Hungary
Tax number: HU25719619
Customer: Arriva Bus telephelye, 1119 Budapest, Andor utca 27-31. Benzinkút és helyiségei.
Used devices: 8
Treatment date and time: 2023.09.25. 11:26
Maximum ozone concentration: 46,33
Humidity: 55,75
Temperature: 25,33

This card certifies that the disinfection treatment was carried out by the Service Provider with Ozone White OW9TH equipment at the indicated time. Treatment unique identification number: RESP20230925-10451

In order to protect personal data, any additional information can be requested from the Service Provider based on the identification number.

If the name of the Service Provider contains the term DISINFECTION GROUP (ID prefix: DG), the disinfection treatment was carried out by the Group’s Contractual Partners.